My Personal Code of Ethics


As a Herbalist, Psychosomatic Therapist, and Flower Essence Practitioner 

The personal is political for me. All the ways I strive to be of service in my professional practice are reflected in my personal practice. I seek to offer the highest level of care and am committed to: 

Assisting individuals come into greater heart consciousness and alignment with themselves and the plant kingdom, which in turn supports collective change.

As a steward of the Earth, making decisions that will reduce harm: socially, environmentally, and economically. Remaining increasingly mindful of sustainability, and staying apprised of at-risk and endangered plants. Being mindful of the ethical, socioeconomic, and racial implications of working with plant medicine and alternative healing modalities.

Supporting the rebalancing and regeneration of the Earth and all sentient beings. Always first asking permission to work with plants and to connect with clients’ spiritual teams. Maintaining a truly holistic practice that acknowledges the intrinsic interconnectedness of all life. Bowing to the mystery of life, trauma, healing, and the journey we are all on.

Continually deepening my own study, healing, and self-care. Continually learning, collaborating, listening, marching, and showing up to take down oppressive systems, as well as deepening the understanding of my own privilege and the impact (both positive and negative) it can have in the world. Remaining up to date on developments related to my fields of study so my services reflect the most beneficial and current information for my clients.

Supporting diversity, inclusivity, and accessibility of alternative healthcare and plant medicine. Making my services and medicine accessible to my community by offering affordable classes as well as keeping my prices reasonable and offering 4-5 sliding scale sessions/month, as I am able.

Respectfully studying and sharing ancient wisdom. Regularly making offerings to the land, the ancestors, and caretakers of the Earth. Seeking to honor and appropriately credit the herbalists, flower essence teachers, wise women, and all healers who have informed my practice. Knowing the land from which I work and forage, and being mindful of appropriation.

Supporting accountability through supervision with a select group of colleagues, including regular affinity meetings through the People’s Institute for Survival and Beyond. Practicing only within the scope of my own competence and referring clients when necessary within my referral network. Maintaining the privacy and confidentiality of all clients.